A little bit delayed news. It was born on 10th of december 2013. See here.
It has a clear brownish tint, but I am not sure if one could say that it is significantly more prominent than in non-selected plains zebras. What is interesting is that the stripes seem to fuse to a dark brown colour on the upper arms in this individual; I have noticed that in several other Rau zebras as well.
I think I'm going to draw another prediction of how Rau zebras might look like by 2025, additionally to my first one.
"Breeding-back" aims to restore or immitate extinct animals by selective breeding. This blog provides general information, the facts behind myths and news from various projects.

Saturday, 28 February 2015
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Aurochs bull by Joschua Knüppe
There really are not many qualitative, anatomically correct aurochs reconstructions. Most artists make typical mistakes or just do not research properly. For example, there are artworks for which their creators certainly didn't care much on what the horns actually looked like, or which proportions the animal had. There are numerous very good illustration of other extinct bovines, such as extinct bison, Pelorovis,
Leptobos and so on. But not even artists like Mauricio Anton, one of
the greatest artists for extinct mammals of our time, seem to get the
aurochs right. I think the reason for that might be that there are
living models for the other taxa (living bison and buffaloes), while
domestic cattle are used for the aurochs. Using cattle as models is
sensible of course, I do it all the time, but it is a bad mistake to use
their body shape for the aurochs. That is a typical pitfall for many artists. Except it is a breed that either
lives in the wild or has a body conformation that resembles that of wild
bovines anyway (f.e. Lidia).
As there are only few artists that do qualitative aurochs ilustrations, I asked Joschua Knüppe to draw an aurochs for me. He is a student at te Kunstakademie Münster and a brilliant paleoartist (a paleoartist is, as you probably guessed, someone how illustrates paleontological themes; I consider myself an amateur paleoartist). Go to his deviantart page and have a look at his gallery: http://hyrotrioskjan.deviantart.com/
Joschua drew an aurochs bull for me after I sent him some photos of aurochs material, life restorations and aurochs-like cattle. I like the result very much:
It has all the important aurochs features: the tight, athletic body with a hum, a straight skull and the right colour. The eel stripe is not visible, what may be partly due to the perspective but I consider it possible that some aurochs bulls lacked the dorsal stripe overall anyway. The gentleman next to the aurochs is Ernst Stromer von Reichenbach, an important historic German paleontologist.
Thank you very much!
As there are only few artists that do qualitative aurochs ilustrations, I asked Joschua Knüppe to draw an aurochs for me. He is a student at te Kunstakademie Münster and a brilliant paleoartist (a paleoartist is, as you probably guessed, someone how illustrates paleontological themes; I consider myself an amateur paleoartist). Go to his deviantart page and have a look at his gallery: http://hyrotrioskjan.deviantart.com/
Joschua drew an aurochs bull for me after I sent him some photos of aurochs material, life restorations and aurochs-like cattle. I like the result very much:
![]() |
Copyright by Joschua Knüppe. Used with permission. |
Thank you very much!
Sunday, 22 February 2015
Some size comparisons
It is
interesting how easy we might fail when estimating the size of an animal
without appropriate metric reference objects. I experienced it myself when I
stroke the Heck bull at the Tierpark Haag and thought that one might be around
150cm tall at the shoulders. I measured him and he turned out to be mere 140cm,
the typical size for Heck bulls. It gets even more difficult when we encounter
the animal moving in the field, and often they get overestimated. That’s why
sometimes crocodiles or komodo dragons are believed to have astounding lengths
like eight or six metres, but once shot and measured they turn out to be within
the normal size range of their species. But I was surprised that even guessing
the size of an animal next to a person on a photo can be rather difficult. I
realized that when had a look at this photo of a Heck bull standing next to a
man (http://www.morgenweb.de/polopoly_fs/1.2091254.1423066752!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/galerie_940q/image.jpg).
The bull looks large and massive, and I estimated it might be well over 145 cm
at the shoulders. Then I did calculations assuming that the man next to the
bull is 175 and 180cm tall, respectively. And the result was that this bull is
135 cm tall at best.
I overlaid Wisent and Aurochs at the exact same shoulder height:
The aurochs
seems to be the slightly larger animal, which is not surprising since the
Wisent is has a short and high body. The largest aurochs bulls therefore were
likely heavier than the largest Wisent bulls.
The last
one is a comparison of aurochs of three different sizes: 180 cm, 170 cm and 160
Saturday, 21 February 2015
Piebald deer
It was not new to me that the same spotted patterns we see in domestic cattle sometimes also occur in cervids. But until I did a quick google seach I didn't know how widespread it actually is. Spotted patterns can be found in red deer, roe deer, white-tailed deer and elk. At first I thought that these colour variants are the result of incipient domestication. There are deer populations that have been kept in game parks for many generations and it is likely that they have also been selected for tameness to a certain degree, simply for practical reasons. I think it is unlikely that these populations have been totally reproductively isolated, but they were probably isolated enough to develop the typical "novel traits" of domestication: new colour variants (f.e. totally white red deer, or fallow deer with very dark shades), piebald patterns, or shortened skulls (fallow deer). However, the presence of these piebald patterns in elk and white-tailed deer, which have certainly not been kept under the same conditions as those semi-domestic deer populations (at least elk), suggests to me that these traits are not necessarily connected to incipient domestications. Rather it seems that the same mutations that cause piebald patterns in domestic animals also occur "naturally" in wild animals, and sometimes not even rare. For example, there are skandinavian elk populations in which such deviant colour variants are particularly common. Although it has been suggested by scientists involved in the farm fox experiment that such colour mutations are pleiotropically coupled with mutations in the nervous system responsible for tame behaviour, we maybe should not connect such patterns too much with domestication. For example, the African wild dog is piebald in a certain way as well, certain bovids have white "socks" too, and the leopard-like patterns we see in some seals resemble those of some spotted horses as well.
So perhaps a number of those spotted patterns of domestic animals is not as tightly related to behavioural modifications during domestication as I previously suggested on this blog. I don't know why deer show them particularly often compared to other wild animals.
Now here are some links of piebald deer.
White-tailed deer:
Roe deer:
There is even a stuffed hare with a streak along its face and sockings, photographed by Markus Bühler:
So perhaps a number of those spotted patterns of domestic animals is not as tightly related to behavioural modifications during domestication as I previously suggested on this blog. I don't know why deer show them particularly often compared to other wild animals.
Now here are some links of piebald deer.
White-tailed deer:
Roe deer:
There is even a stuffed hare with a streak along its face and sockings, photographed by Markus Bühler:
Sunday, 15 February 2015
Forelocks and manes
It is well
supported that the aurochs had curly, frizzy forelocks on its forehead. It is
reported from Anton Schneeberger who wrote: “The forehead, because of the curly, frizzy hair, makes them terrible to
behold”. The posthumously (1634) published report by a certain Swiecicki mentions
this feature as well. Also, belts were made from a bull aurochs’ forelocks in
historic times. They were said to increase the fertility of women or help women
having difficulties giving birth (see van Vuure, 2005). As a brutal fact, those
forelocks were peeled together with the facial skin from the skull of the captured
aurochs when it was still alive. Not to forget, Charles Hamilton Smith’s famouspainting of a bull aurochs from 1836, which is drawn from an oil painting
dating back to the 16th century, shows these curly forelocks very
forelocks are very widespread among domestic cattle. I think their function
might be display, apart from their probable protective function for the skin
between the horns during combats. Bovids that live in hot regions tend to have
fleshy structures for display, mostly dewlaps. Those in cold, northern regions
cannot effort the heat lost caused by such appendages and therefore often have
hairy display structures; such as the mane of the Barbary sheep or the beards
of musk ox and bison. The European aurochs is climatically and geographically
in between and funnily so are those structures. Those forelocks give the bulls
indeed a fierce look, what could be useful in scaring off rivals – the mealy
mouth, which is widespread among Bovidae, might have the same function. While
the intensity of the forelocks of taurine cattle varies from breed to breed
(Chianina, for example, doesn’t have any at all), zebuine cattle never have
such (at least not that I know of). This brought me the idea that it might be a
legacy of hybridization with bison. When I then got to know that such
hybridizations did take place (see Verkaar et al.) I felt that this thought
might have some plausibility in it. Although only introgression from Bos to Bison and not reverse is proven so far, I think it is likely that there
was mutual hybridization because only sex-based markers (Y and mt) were used in
this study.
side fact: The forelocks, or actually massive bulk of hair, in Bison is not
only used for display and as a bumper during combat, but also to remove snow
from the ground in order to reach the grass beneath it. Horses do that with
their hooves, while cattle, and probably also aurochs, have no such abilities.
in cattle are present in both sexes, but many domestic bulls that have
forelocks also have a kind of “mane”. Actually it is not a mane as a lion or a
Barbary sheep has, but it is merely the same kind of locks that is present all
over the neck, parts of the shoulders and often also the entire face. You find
that in a lot of breeds. Some Lidia have it to a very prominent extent (here),
and also Chillingham cattle have it. But what is most interesting to me is that
a number of Heck bulls in Oostvaardersplassen exhibit such a “mane” (f.e. here),
while virtually no Heck bull outside the reserve does. Richard Marsh, the
cattle warden of Chillingham, believes that this mane serves to protect the
skin on face, neck and shoulders of the bulls. So if Lidia and Chillingham
cattle, both breeds in which combats often (in the case of the latter always)
decide on reproductive success, show that trait, and if Heck cattle in OVP
suddenly developed it, it might indeed have such a function. I know that this
is based on a weak ground: man plays a way more important rule in reproductive
success of Lidia bulls than combat does, many cattle which are totally
man-selected do have that trait too, it might have become coincidentally fixed
in Chillingham cattle due to all the bottlenecks, and the “mane” is not all
that common among OVP bulls. But, on the other hand, the presence of the
forelocks themselves in non-primitive breeds is not a prove against their
presence in the aurochs either, and the OVP population has been exposed to
natural selection for only 10 generations yet. Anyway, it is just a thought.
The "mane" of a Chillingham bull |
While the
curly hair on face, neck and shoulders always has the same colour as the rest
of the body, the colour of the forelocks varies in wild type-coloured bulls. The
forelocks of cows are almost always of a lighter colour than the rest of the
head, with a dark shade “coming from above”. In bulls however, the forelocks
can be of an either black, reddish brown, orange or blond colour (in
de-phaeomelanised cattle like Podolian cattle, the colour turns grey of
course). There is no definite clue on what the colour of the aurochs’ forelocks
exactly was. Black is the best-supported colour for the simple fact that
forelocks of a colour different from the rest of the head are never mentioned
or depicted anywhere – neither by any historic reports nor cave paintings or
Smith’s aurochs. If the forelocks had been of a special colour, Schneeberger
would have probably mentioned it since he also mentioned the muzzle ring and
the eel stripe which contrast with the black base colour. There is also a
Libyan petroglyph showing a North African bull aurochs, in which both a muzzle
ring and a light colour saddle are indicated, but no bright forelocks. Gaurs,
on the other hand, have bright blond hair between the horns and so do zebus. So
I assumed bright forelocks were a basal state and dark ones the derived state
of northern Aurochs. However, Tom Hammond pointed out to me that bright
forelocks could be the result of reduced sexual dichromatism which is the case
in Gaur and most of the aurochs-like breeds. And indeed the first breed with a
clear sexual dichromatism that comes to my mind has mostly dark forelocks in
bulls: Maronesa. But this breed displays all possible colours of forelocks in
bulls. Bright forelocks in cows are confirmed through a painting at Lascaux.
my opinion on the colour of the forelocks in aurochs is that cows’ always were
of a blond, orange or reddish colour while that of the bulls were most likely
black in most cases, but perhaps there was geographic variation that allowed
the presence of brighter forelocks as well. Although we have no evidence for
that, I certainly would not make bright forelocks in bulls a negative selection
criterion in effigy breeding.
A number of
breeds, especially many Heck cattle, do have elongate hair between their horns
but they are not curled. Instead they look like the fringes of a carpet. This
is probably not what aurochs forelocks should look like.
Cis van Vuure: Retracing the Aurochs
- History, Morphology and Ecology of an extinct wild Ox. Pensoft, Sofia
Verkaar, Nijman,
Beeke, Hanekamp, Lenstra: Maternal and Paternal Lineages in Cross-breeding
bovine species. Has Wisent a Hybrid Origin?. 2004.
Saturday, 14 February 2015
A Wörth cow is going to join the herd at Lippeaue!
Ever since I got interested in Taurus cattle, I wished to see a cross with Hecks from the Wörth-Steinberg line. Taurus cattle have the long legs and good proportions, often a satisfying skull length, way better size, better stature and often a hump, forwards facing horns and so on. But they often lack the desirable horn size. Wörth Heck cattle would be a desirable option to boost the horn size, and in a number of individuals the undesirable Heck cattle features like the paedomorphic skull and the elongated, heavy body, are not present to the same extent as in many usual "unimproved" members of the breed.
Margret Bunzel-Drüke from the ABU told me that they have been interested in buying a Wörth cow indeed, "Erni" is their favorite. Luckily, the owner Walter Frisch announced on the VFA's webpage that he is going to sell three pregnant (!) cows and his current breeding bull (I don't know why since this bull looks very nice, or which bull is to follow). I immediately contacted MBD to inform her about that in the hope that one of the cows will appeal them despite Erni is not among them.
You can imagine how pleased I was when I received the answer that they are going to buy one of the cows. It will be taken to the Lippeaue in March.
I am pretty sure that the cow is Nostra, a full-blood sister of Arizona and Aretto (the former breeding bull on Wörth), daughter of Albatros and Noriga, which all have good horns. It would be interesting to know which bull is the father of the calf she is carrying, I hope Aribo (the new breeding bull that is going to be sold now) and not one of those with the beige colour saddle.
Here are some photos of Nostra that I took in 2013:
I hope her will be a good cow, because a pure Heck bull is unlikely to be used at the Lippeaue. I am very much looking forward to the results this cow will bring, and I am also curious to which bull's herd she will be moved.
As a foretaste to what we might enjoy to see within even only one generation, here:
I simply took a photo of Lamarck's fullblood sister at the Lippeaue and enlarged her horns with GIMP.
I am very happy that crossbreeding between Taurus and Wörth cattle is finally going to happen, and that I played even a little role in it.
Margret Bunzel-Drüke from the ABU told me that they have been interested in buying a Wörth cow indeed, "Erni" is their favorite. Luckily, the owner Walter Frisch announced on the VFA's webpage that he is going to sell three pregnant (!) cows and his current breeding bull (I don't know why since this bull looks very nice, or which bull is to follow). I immediately contacted MBD to inform her about that in the hope that one of the cows will appeal them despite Erni is not among them.
You can imagine how pleased I was when I received the answer that they are going to buy one of the cows. It will be taken to the Lippeaue in March.
I am pretty sure that the cow is Nostra, a full-blood sister of Arizona and Aretto (the former breeding bull on Wörth), daughter of Albatros and Noriga, which all have good horns. It would be interesting to know which bull is the father of the calf she is carrying, I hope Aribo (the new breeding bull that is going to be sold now) and not one of those with the beige colour saddle.
Here are some photos of Nostra that I took in 2013:
I hope her will be a good cow, because a pure Heck bull is unlikely to be used at the Lippeaue. I am very much looking forward to the results this cow will bring, and I am also curious to which bull's herd she will be moved.
As a foretaste to what we might enjoy to see within even only one generation, here:
I simply took a photo of Lamarck's fullblood sister at the Lippeaue and enlarged her horns with GIMP.
I am very happy that crossbreeding between Taurus and Wörth cattle is finally going to happen, and that I played even a little role in it.
Wednesday, 11 February 2015
What would aurochs-coloured Chianina look like?
They would
look awesome. Colour is one of the most prominent aspects of an animal’s look,
and the first one that catches our eyes. I realized might also blur our
perception of aurochs-likeness: a cow with aurochs-like colour that otherwise
looks like a farm cow (f.e. many Heck cattle) might appear to be more
aurochs-like than a Chianina with way more “primitive” proportions, body
conformation and size.
That’s why
I hesitated to consider Chianina a primitive breed until one and a half year
ago or so – I thought the “wrong colour” is a considerable malus. But first of
all, since there is not simply one colour locus that decides whether a colour
is wild type or not, the colour of a breed is probably unlikely to be mutated
on each locus. For example, Highland cattle are either Ed or e, so the production of eumelanin in the
coat is either over-expressed or totally disabled, so we cannot say if they
have the genetic make up for sexual dichromatism. Only crossbreeding or genome
editing would provide a clue. The shiny red colour of some Highlands implies
that they would have probably a nice and un-diluted aurochs colour (independent
of sexual dichromatism) if they had the E+
allele. And so forth.
has the wild type base colour E+ and very likely also sexual dichromatism
masked beneath the dilution factors (see the previous post).
and what is way more important, colour is regulated only by a few loci which
follow the Mendelian rules quite clear (ignore the transposons that cause some
colour variants which are not relevant for aurochs effigy breeding anyway), so
it is way easier to breed for or against colour variants than it is for traits
like size, proportions, appendages, horn size, skull shape and any other
polygenic traits. This should be known to any animal breeder. Therefore, I
prefer an aurochs-sized and aurochs-proportioned Chianina over a mediocrely
aurochs-coloured Heck.
Anyway, to
see how colour affects our perception of the looks of an animal, and also to
see which results crossbreeding with Chianina can achieve, I did this drawing
of hypothetical aurochs-coloured Chianina using the photo of a cow from
Wikipedia and that of a bull I found via google (I would like to put the link
there, but I couldn't find it anymore):
I admit the
drawing is sloppy. But it was not my intention to fabricate a masterpiece, but
merely to give an impression how such Chianina would look like. It would
probably take a while to breed them, because all those annoying dilutions are
at least partly recessive. All aurochs projects and Heck cattle have this
Highlands might be easier to breed because they do not have such dilutions,
brindle is widespread but dominant and therefore easier to eradicate from the
population. Taking black Highlands would be wise to avoid the recessive red
variant, and crossbreeding with Maronesa might be the fastest way because they
have the desired sexual dichromatism and long horns as well. It would be
pointless from the breeding-back perspective, but fun. Initially I intended to
draw hypothetical aurochs-coloured Highlands as well, but was too lazy in the
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
News from the True Nature Foundation
The TNF, the foundation that runs the Uruz Project, has posted the news that they received a number of Watussi cows from the Brüggen Zoo and they were moved to Bielefeld, where they will form a new breeding herd together with at least one Chianina bull. For a photo of these Watussi, go here. I was told that they are about 130 cm tall at the withers. That bull is a very young one, a son of one of the Chianina at Kloster Lorsch, and will turn one year old in April.
Claus Kropp kindly provided me with a photo of this bull calf from December 2014:
It can't be judged how it looks will be like yet, but it seems that it is going to be a long legged and short trunked critter, also when looking at its mother. Considering that his mother is 165 cm tall according to C. Kropp, I am really curious on how large he is going to get.
I was happy to see that this is his mother, as she is my favorite Chianina at Lorsch. Her build is very good with a decent hump, and her horn curvature is very desirable as well (the right one was accidentely deformed at young age, I was told). If you compare the colour of the mother below and the bull calf above, you might see that the first one has a beige/light brown tint while the latter one has a dark greyish tint, which is a clear sign of sexual dichromatism masked beneath all those dilution factors. The Sayaguesa x Chianina crossbreeds at the Lippeaue show the same. Therefore I am convinced that the chance is high that Chianina have retained sexual dichromatism. This will be helpful to get a good colour out of the Chianina x Watussi combination.
Claus Kropp kindly provided me with a photo of this bull calf from December 2014:
It can't be judged how it looks will be like yet, but it seems that it is going to be a long legged and short trunked critter, also when looking at its mother. Considering that his mother is 165 cm tall according to C. Kropp, I am really curious on how large he is going to get.
I was happy to see that this is his mother, as she is my favorite Chianina at Lorsch. Her build is very good with a decent hump, and her horn curvature is very desirable as well (the right one was accidentely deformed at young age, I was told). If you compare the colour of the mother below and the bull calf above, you might see that the first one has a beige/light brown tint while the latter one has a dark greyish tint, which is a clear sign of sexual dichromatism masked beneath all those dilution factors. The Sayaguesa x Chianina crossbreeds at the Lippeaue show the same. Therefore I am convinced that the chance is high that Chianina have retained sexual dichromatism. This will be helpful to get a good colour out of the Chianina x Watussi combination.
Monday, 9 February 2015
Dedomestication series pt. IV: Implications for "breeding-back"
The aurochs
was, per definitionem, the wild type
of Bos primigenius. If “breeding
back” aims to approach the aurochs as close as possible, the result has,
ultimately, to be a wild animal. Artificial breeding with domestic breeds can
only result in an animal that is itself domestic, no matter how aurochs-like it
looks, and it will still display a number of domestic traits – be it optic,
behavioural or whatever.
Nature knows better
knowledge of the developmental cascades of many domestic traits is
probably not deep enough to select against them and reconstitute the original,
wild-type state. See for example the fact that selective breeding in farm foxes
for earlier maturity and more offspring directly was not fruitful, but
selection for tameness alone brought exactly that result. How to select on the
genes coding for endocrinologic cascades that regulate the amount of hormones
that control how bulky or muscular the body is, or those that regulate the
timing of developmental mechanisms that result in an either elongate or
paedomorphic skull? I am sure that just selection for long snouts or an
athletic body directly in a population where these features are present only to
a mediocre extent (f.e. uncrossed Heck cattle) will not be fully successful. The
same goes for achieving a well-developed sexual dimorphism both in size and colour. Just
selecting for large bulls or small cows certainly would not do it, breeding
only with bulls that mature late would slow down the whole breeding process
which is slow enough already and it even is not sure whether this is the right
way or not. If just always taking out all black cows is the effective way to achieve
a fixated, well-pronounced sexual colour dimorphism is dubious as well, because
always even in Heck cattle herds with a good sexual dimorphism half of the cows
are coloured like bulls.
selection might even be counteracting itself. I already expressed my thought
that the muscular, athletic body of Lidia might be linked to its
temperament. For example, the True Nature Foundation plans to do a project trying to collect
suitably aurochs-like Lidia and breed them for a greater resemblance of their
ancestor (which is awesome, I have been dreaming of such a project for a long
time). But the selection program will also include selection against
aggressiveness to make them easier to handle. That is fully understandable, grazing
projects do the same, nobody wants dangerous cattle that are impossible to
handle. But actually this is the same breeding for tameness and docility as in
the farm fox experiment, so maybe it will result in a further domestication of
fighting cattle and therefore reduce the athletic, muscular body and cause more
paedomorphic features? This is just an idea, future might show if there is
truth in my guess. The same goes for the pleiotropic connections between
traits, such as those that cause white spots. I think that most of those
connections are hardly accessible to us and that hinders us from effectively
selecting for the desired phenotypic traits. For example, domestication in
bovines almost always results in the horns getting “pulled” outwards or
up/downwards. This is apparent in a lot of cattle and sheep breeds. Many breeds
used in breeding-back have such horns and it proved to be difficult to select
for a fully aurochs-like horn shape, but in OVP it seemingly developed by itself in a few individuals. The
next problem is that we do not know how large exactly the impact of phenotypic
plasticity is (f.e. on muscularity of the body, horn and body size, skull shape
etc.; in the case of behaviour it is clear that environment is a crucial
factor). To evaluate that, extensive comparative studies would be necessary
which would take several years.
all cattle would show herding and defensive behaviour in the wilderness.
Free-ranging cattle do and also farm cows defend their calves aggressively. It
is open whether the reproductive circle of cattle adapts to the seasons due to
environmental impulses or natural selection, but I think the latter is the case
because cattle in grazing projects are not fully adapted to the seasons in this
respect. Perhaps natural selection could be mimicked by taking out cows and
their calves that calved during winter or fall, but I am not sure if this would
All in all
I would simply say that “nature knows better” in any case. This does not only
apply to ecologic and immunological capacities, which are not visible and
already present in primitive landraces to a certain(!) extent. The fact that
certain wild traits appeared in free-ranging populations whose founding
individuals certainly did not have them (f.e. the hump and body conformation in
OVP, S.v.F. and Amsterdam cattle, or the long snout in some cows at OVP) and
probably would have been hardly achieved by selective breeding implicates to me
that natural selection “re-develops” aurochs-traits in the way outlined in the
previous posts and better than artificial selection ever could. Artificial
selection probably would be more of a mimic of adaptive wild type (=aurochs)
traits, while natural selection produces truly adaptive traits. Natural
selection knows better how to eradicate domestic traits such as paedomorphy or
a reduced sexual dimorphism because we have no exact clue of the connections and
interactions of development, pleiotropy and environment in morphology,
behaviour and ecologic and immunologic capacities.
How to do it
I think that simply tossing some bunch of any cattle into nature will not
result in the dedomesticated near-aurochs that we want to see. The existing
free-ranging cattle populations demonstrate that. If the founding individuals
do not have horns that are either already aurochs-like in certain aspects or at
least very diverse, it would take either very long for aurochs-like horns to
evolve or they would end up in a more or less different shape. Aurochs colour
(E+) won’t evolve if not present. Colour probably only has a weak influence on
evolutionary fitness in cattle and probably coincidence will play a large role
in when a certain colour variant becomes fixated in the population. So
releasing just any cattle of any colours will not result in an authentic,
aurochs-like colour – just as an example.
As outlined
in pt. III, we cannot simply expect that “nature” always changes the cattle in
the way the aurochs was. Evolution is not static but dynamic and animals always
adapt to the current circumstances. If we want a wild, near-aurochs, we have to
simulate the evolutional adaptive environment the original lived in. The European aurochs
evolved under the predative pressure not only of wolves (as juveniles also
lynxes, foxes and bears), but also big cats (not only until the end of the
Pleistocene; lions and leopards still lived in parts of southern Europe into the antiquary). They had way more space to live, graze and migrate and had to
compete with a whole range of other herbivores. For that, a large reserve would
be necessary to avoid the island effect and introduce competing herbivores (the
most important competitors probably are deer and horses, as realised in the
OVP) and carnivores. The introduction of big cats is a topic that I do not want
to open here but let’s assume it won’t happen and there will be only fox, lynx
and wolves (bears are problematic as well). No medical care or supplementary
feeding will cause legal problems which should be solved like in the OVP and
what the Tauros Project is trying to achieve, i.e. to classify the cattle as
res nullius and legally wild animals. The cattle would have to be totally
reproductively isolated, otherwise the dedomestication process would slow down.
And that’s
how I would do it:
At first I
would try to produce an aurochs effigy that is as authentic as possible by
selective breeding (“breeding-back”). All or most desired traits that can be achieved should be
present and as be stable as possible. Then I would introduce them together with
individuals of primitive cattle like good Sayaguesa, Lidia, perhaps Maronesa
and good Chianina, Castellana Axarquica, good Boskarin, Betizu for their feral
history and Yakut cattle for their great adaptions to cold and their genetic
distance to European breeds. The result would be a genetically diverse
population that has all aurochs features and all founding breeds well-adapted
to harsh climate, sparse vegetation and resistant to diseases. But I would not
include too many individuals of breeds with strong dilution factors and/or
short horns. The heterogeneity in the first generations would be high, and it
would certainly be very interesting to see how the frequency of the single
features is going to evolve. The traits should be categorized and their
frequency be evaluated all three years or so, to document the evolutional shift
in the population. Selective culling should only be used as a tool when it is
apparent that natural selection has left a strong mark in the population
already. Culling should focus primarily on fur colour, and only be carried out
if the population is in a good state. For example, the Heck cattle at OVP are
in a crisis at the moment and the last thing that I would do now is selective
culling. I think an ideal population size would be 500 individuals at least. In
any case more than 100.
But let’s
be realistic, an area large enough to sustain a viable population of all the
three herbivores plus wolves and perhaps also lynx that also can remain totally
untouched by human management is not easy to achieve for conservation. But also
without predators, most of the selective pressures described in part II would
still be there, and if you have read carefully you probably noticed that
predators are likely not among the most important factors acting upon such a
free-ranging population.
The concept
I described is basically what the Polish naturalist Feliks Pawel Jarocki suggested
as early as 1835 (without the selective breeding part), only eight years after
the aurochs was formerly described. He proposed that the release of cattle into
wilderness so that they would live under the same circumstances as the aurochs
did, would result in a “revival” of the original form. Note that I am not
claiming that the original European aurochs can be revived the way described
Therefore what
I am suggesting is a mix of breeding-back and dedomestication. My opinion is
that dedomestication inevitably has to be the end phase of creating a
near-aurochs. “Natural selection with a kick-start”, as the Tauros Project
would call it.
Feral, wild and dedomesticated
At which
point should be call such a dedomesticated aurochs-like population “wild”? Actually
I have been dealing with terms like “dedomesticated”, “feral” and “wild”
without defining them appropriately all the time. What I do now is what I
should have done right at the beginning of the dedomestication series, I apologize.
Parts of my definitions are inspired by those given by the user “Roberta” in
the Carnivora Forum thread on the aurochs.
genetics use the “wt” terminology
mainly for alleles or any phenotypic features, zoology considers all aspects of
the entire species, also including its history and interaction with the
environment. Both feral and wild populations have in common that they are not
enclosed (on small scale) and not dependent on active human help (this does not
apply if the species is a commensal, where its ecological niche is living from
and around human civilization). A wild species evolved/-s with and within its
ecosystem and therefore does not change it rapid and dramatically. A feral
species, on the other hand, is sometimes invasive and sometimes not.
distinction between feral and domestic might be the amount of genetic structure
that was either influenced by evolution or by man. Considering that there are
actually a lot of populations of wild animals are managed to some extent and
are physically limited, this aspect might be of much greater importance. A wild
type trait is defined as a trait that is shaped by evolution, not by man, and
occurs in nature. As you have probably noticed, this applies to both a
pre-domestic and a (I think hereby I introduce a new term) post-domestic phase.
Classic zoological terminology only recognized pre-domestic wild animals as
“wild-types” and therefore a wild type is usually also understood as the wild
forerunner of the domestic type, and it never was considered that there can be
a post-domestic wild-type as well. If you will, the Dingo or the European
mufflon are post-domestic wild animals to me, or at least wild animals. They
have been living in the wild for long enough, are adapted to their environment
(with the exception of those mufflon populations that have been introduced
where this species simply is not native, f.e. wet Central European lowland
forests) and are an integral part of the ecosystem without causing changes that
we call “damage”. But as you see, the line between feral and wild becomes
arbitrary at this point. I would call Chillingham cattle and the Heck cattle at
OVP not even truly feral, because both live on a rather small, enclosed area
and furthermore, the Heck cattle have not been living there for all too long,
and the genetic structure of Chillingham cattle is highly influenced by man
(see previous part). In this case, I prefer to call the state they are living
in “free-ranging”. Amsterdam Island cattle and Betizu on the other hand
are/were feral in my understanding of the word.
No question
that a post-domestic wild animal has to be a dedomesticated animal. Dedomestication
is, as the word implies, the “reversal” of domestication. However, I prefer to call
it the loss of domestic traits, as “reversal” implies the full re-emergence of
the original state, which is not the case. Those domestic traits are, to put it
in a nutshell:
- Paedomorphic
features both in behaviour and morphology.
- reduced
sexual dimorphism and usually also brain volume
- novel
morphological traits (colour variants, horn shapes/sizes, change of body size, appendages
etc.) due to pleiotropy, developmental cascades and relaxed selection;
sometimes exaggerated due to artificial selection
- reduction
of traits crucial for reproductive success – behavioural, immunological,
sensory, ecological or morphological – due to relaxed selection
- loss or
reduction of traits linked to sexual selection due to artificial selection
Heterogeneity due to genetic drift and artificial selection
I would not
say that a post-domestic or secondary wild type has to have lost all of those
domestic traits; only those that lower the reproductive success. If natural
selection or genetic drift allows or even fixates novel traits like some colour
or horn variants or structures like a large dewlap, I think it is OK. In my
opinion, they don’t even have to be completely homogeneous in terms of horn
shapes and colour. First of all, the aurochs was quite diverse regarding the
pronunciation of the “primigenius spiral”, size and orientation relative to the
snout, and the snout length itself varied slightly as well. Although most wild
species are highly uniform, there are some displaying more than one colour
variants. Northern wolves for example are more or less diverse in that respect,
partly also thanks to domestic dog introgression.
How to
scientifically categorize the such a type of cattle? Regardless of if you
regard domestic animals taxonomically relevant or not, these cattle would not
be domestic, so why not classifying them? If so, I would simply tag them as Bos primigenius taurus because they will
be neither genetically nor phenotypically 100% identical to any of the three
aurochs subspecies, and the epitheton “taurus”
has already been given for the domestic cattle clade. However, a prerequisite
for a taxonomic status is that these post-domestic cattle form one reproductive
All in all,
the line between feral and wild is fluid and the distinction is subjective. I
doubt that we will live long enough to see a fully dedomesticated near-aurochs,
but at least there are good chances to see an aurochs-like cattle population in
a process of dedomestication which shows clear signs of evolutionary changes. The
challenge is to find a suitable area of sufficient size and overcome legal and
public issues.
Thursday, 5 February 2015
Dedomestication series Pt. IV: What existing free-ranging cattle are like
For part I, go here, for part II, for part III.
In the previous part of the dedomestication series we looked at the evolutionary/phenotypical chances that might evolve when a feral cattle population is exposed to all levels of natural selection and reproductively isolated. To sum up my predictions:
In the previous part of the dedomestication series we looked at the evolutionary/phenotypical chances that might evolve when a feral cattle population is exposed to all levels of natural selection and reproductively isolated. To sum up my predictions:
- The trunk
would become shorter and the legs longer, enabling a higher manoeuvrability. The
manoeuvrability is also increased by developing a slender waist and high
shoulder spines forming a “hump” that all wild cattle have.
- This hump
is the result of intra- and interspecific fights, as larger shoulder and neck
muscles are advantageous for this.
- Horns
with the so-called “primigenius spiral” would be most advantageous in
intraspecific combats. Also, an orientation not too low or too high relative to
the skull and a size that is not too large or small.
- Basically,
the larger the body size the more evolutionary fit. But body size is also
regulated by space and food availability.
- Sexual
dimorphism, both in size and colour, would increase.
- Colour
has the least influence on evolutionary fitness. It might become slightly
influenced by pleiotropic effects, sexual selection and predation, but many
domestic colour variants probably would have little to no effect. It would take
a very long time until the cattle population is coloured homogeneously thanks
to drift and bottlenecks, depend largely on coincidence and what colour alleles
are already present in the population.
- Risky, feisty
and energetic behaviour is advantageous for achieving dominance and defending
against predators.
details, please have a look at part III.
The purpose
of this post is to examine existing, feral cattle populations and to see
whether these confirm the my predictions or not. But it is important also to
look at the environment and selective pressures they are exposed to and what
the starting population was like, otherwise we might draw wrong conclusions.
For example, if a population did not develop aurochs-like horns because none of
the founding animals had such, it does not necessarily contradict my prediction
on horn shape.
The first
free-ranging cattle population that comes to most people’s mind are Chillingham
cattle. I already did a more extensive post on these cattle when I visited them
in 2012. They never were completely feral and free-roaming, but always kept in
the game park of Chillingham, and they never were free of artificial selection.
For example, it was selected against individuals with pink noses, and during
epidemics the sick animals were culled to prevent the die-off of the population
(that’s why they are genetically homogeneous today). But they did not have any
other medical care, and they reproduce freely. They do not have sheds and are
not supplemented with additional food. Although they mate for themselves and
therefore sexual selection applies, the horn shape is only remotely
aurochs-like. This might partly be the result of genetic bottlenecks (indeed a small sample of older skulls, some of which I photographed, show a more aurochs-like
curvature). We can only speculate what the horns of the founding population
looked like. The body shape does not look like one would expect from feral
cattle at all, they look rather domestic. Even escaped farm cows develop a more
athletic body. Also, despite being fully exposed to the climate, their dewlaps
and udders are still relatively large. These two facts are mysterious to me.
Nevertheless, their behaviour is what I would expect. They have a strict
hierarchical order in their herd, and the bulls are rather aggressive towards
each other and carry out brutal fights regularly. The sexes are not separated,
what is not a natural state for cattle but a result of the confined space. The
limited space in combination with the lack of supplementary probably is also
the reason for their small size. The bulls’ weight is only about 300 kg, and
the cows’ little below. Richard Marsh, the cattle warden, told me that they got
a little smaller over time, what confirms the “Island effect”.
The Amsterdam
Island cattle, which existed from 1871 to 2010 when they were unfortunately
exterminated, were a particularly interesting population. They lived in
reproductive isolation and without any human care. Their ancestral breeds were
Jersey cattle, Tarentese, Grauvieh and black pied Breton cattle. It was
reported around 1900 that they had a hump (I suppose not the zebuine hump but
that of wild bovines was meant) and did not behave nervous but interested and
cautious towards humans, like cattle in grazing projects. The fact that they
had a hump is confirmed by contemporary photos. Not as large as in the aurochs,
but definitely there. Their body was slim and elegant. Seemingly most of them
had an aurochs-like colour, what is not surprising considering that most of the
founding individuals must have had a wild-type base colour. White spots
apparently were not common, probably because they are recessive and were not
common among the founding breeds. Based on the photos on the web, no individual
had aurochs-like horns. The reason for that very likely is that none of their
ancestral breeds have horns that would enable a fast development of the “right”
curvature and size. Amsterdam Island cattle were small as well. With a male
adult weight of 390 and a female one with 280 kg, the sexual size dimorphism
was larger than in Chillingham cattle.
Betizu are
a Pyrenean breed with an enigmatic history, but it is clear that they have been
living completely feral for a long time. They are very shy because they have
been hunted. Betizu are known to be very rusting and resistant to the climate
of their habitat (not surprisingly). Bulls are 130 cm tall and weight 450 kg,
cows 110 tall and 325 kg, so they are a small breed as well and have
well-developed sexual size dimorphism. Their colour is a uniform light-brown –
I don’t know if they are homogeneous as a result of living feral or because
their founding population was quite uniformly coloured already, but I prefer
the latter explanation. The body of the free-ranging ones is slim and athletic,
especially the bulls have a very muscular build. They do have a hump, but not a
very large one. Udders and other appendages usually are small. The length of
the skull varies from “normal” to elongated. Their horns are not aurochs-like;
their size is mediocre and many have lyre-shaped ones or straight
outwards-facing ones.
Cherikow, Sanak
and Chirikof are Islands in the north of the Pacific that are inhabited by
interesting feral cattle. Their ancestral breeds are mainly Highland, Yakut and
Hereford. With the exception of the latter, these breeds are ecologically very well-suited for such
a habitat, but the body shape of all three is typically domestic. I won’t go
much into detail, but looking at some photos, it is apparent that these cattle
have a more “athletic” body than their ancestral breeds, their trunk is shorter
and they look somewhat more agile. Some of them have forwards-facing horns, but
that’s not necessarily a result of selection because both Highland and
Herefords have horns that also might face forwards or downwards.
There are
also feral or free-ranging cattle on New Zealand and Hawaii. I don’t know much
about their history and there is not much to say about their looks except that
they look more athletic and usual farm cattle.
is an interesting population because it has been reproductively isolated and exposed
to natural selection for about 30 years (what makes about 10 generations at
maximum). No medical care, no supplementary food, and free reproduction.
Predators absent. I already wrote a lot on OVP in other posts: http://breedingback.blogspot.co.at/2013/09/heck-cattle-at-oostvaardersplassen.html
Please take
a look at those posts so that I do not have to repeat my self too much; but I
will sum up the most important things: a number of individuals show horns with
a decent inwards-curve that is not present in any un-crossed Heck cattle
outside the OVP, also there seems to be a tendency to horns facing more
forwards in some individuals; numerous bulls but also a few cows have a hump,
in some specimen as large as in Lidia; the muscling and mass of the body
varies, but some are as athletic as Lidia; most individuals have the usual head
shape of Heck cattle, but it is very spectacular that some cows obviously
developed snouts as long as in Sayaguesa. I don't know if this is the result of developmental cascades or phenotypic plasticity, like in the case of feral pigs. A 1:1 relation between trunk length
and leg length in bulls is not uncommon. The population at OVP shows basically
all colour variants present in Heck cattle. Based on the photos and videos that
I have seen (and those are a lot), I would say that two thirds have an accurate
wild type colour without dilutions, one third has a more or less diluted colour
(rough guess). White spots are no rarity. It cannot be said with certainty how
strong the sexual dichromatism is because we cannot know if a black bull
inherits black cows or accurately coloured brown cows and so on. But I wouldn’t
say that the sexual dichromatism appears to be higher than in other Heck herds.
Judging from the photos, size dimorphism certainly did not increase, if anything it might have
gotten slightly reduced. Based on their size relative to the horses, which
should be 130 cm tall at the withers, they definitely did not get larger than
other Heck cattle – if anything, I suspect smaller.
individuals at the OVP look just like any other Heck cattle, which is not
surprising considering the time they have been living there so far. But it is
undeniable that the population is in a phase of evolutionary change.
Slikken van
Flakkee there is another interesting Dutch population. Just like the cattle at
OVP, they do not get supplementary food and are allowed to breed for themselves
without artificial selection. Only at the beginning the managers selected for
upright horns because of an alleged risk of injuries (Margret Bunzel-Drüke,
pers. com.), which is total nonsense. They have been introduced in the early
80s as well.
Like in the
OVP, many of them have a greyish tint. I didn’t see many animals with spots so
far. There are still some fat and short legged bulls, some individuals also
have a hanging spine, but we see a similar trend as in the OVP. There are a
number of bulls with a really slender and athletic build, i.e. short trunk and
long legs, many of them have a hump and a slender waist. There is an impressing
video of two bulls fighting in the reserve (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWTY5IY__mk), look at their swift movements.
Looking at other videos showing the cattle of Slikken van Flakkee, I would say
that body shape and proportions of has underwent the same development as those
of the cattle at OVP. I don’t know if those at S.v.F. have been reproductively
isolated all the time, but even if there has been further Heck introduction, it
is not an explanation for that body conformation.
All in all
I would say that the existing populations of cattle outside human custody confirm
my predictions only in part. OK, none of them have been living under all the
circumstances I assumed for my predictions in the previous posts and for a
sufficient amount of time, but still. But what I can say is that all of the
cattle develop a more muscular body and aurochs-like proportions with a more or
less pronounced hump (with the curious exception of Chillingham cattle). I
don’t know how much of that is inherited or phenotypic plasticity, but I think
the latter plays an important rule concerning the muscles (f.e. look at this
escaped Fleckvieh cow after straining for a few months: http://image3-cdn.n24.de/image/1348414/1/large16x9/tsz/kuh-yvonne-auf-gnadenhof-in-bayern-eingetroffen-image_620x349.jpg). How much plasticity affects the
proportions and the hump is an open question to me, but I think that heredity
is more important here. Genetics do have an influence on body
shape, if you take a look at the fat bulls that are still around in OVP under
the same environmental conditions as the swift and athletic ones. So the
changes in body shape and proportions should be at least partially the result
of an evolutionary process.
There are
almost no examples of a trend towards aurochs-like horns. One explanation might
be that the founding individuals of those populations did not have horn shapes
that made it easy for such horns to evolve, or that a too limited variability
requires a rather long time (see Fisher’s fundamental theorem). The only clear
example of evolving aurochs horns is Oostvaardersplassen, whose founding
population likely was very diverse regarding horns, where some individuals have
horns curving more inwards or facing more forwards than in any other un-crossed
Hecks. Another possible example are (were) Chillingham cattle, of which some
individuals of the past had quite aurochs-like horns (and some still have) that
might have become lost due to the several severe bottlenecks.
The fact
that all those free-ranging cattle are small or comparably small, regardless of
if they descend from founding breeds that were of small size already (f.e.
Chirikov Island), confirms the island effect.
The colour
of most of the free ranging cattle is totally heterogeneous and seems to be
hardly influenced if at all by natural selection – this is what was expected.
The only exceptions are Betizu and Chillingham cattle. In Betizu, die founding
individuals might already have had that colour because rural cattle from that
region have the same colour (guess), and in Chillingham cattle this is
definitely the result of artificial selection: the nobility preferred white
cattle, and those with black noses over those with pink noses.
probably realized how speculative my conclusions are here.
For the last part of the series, go here.
For the last part of the series, go here.
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