Sunday 28 July 2024

Auerrind project update

Claus Kropp from the Auerrind project posted an update to the project today, with lots of beautiful photos of their very promising and beautiful cattle. I love seeing how the project is progressing that fast, it shows that the choice of breeds and individuals to breed with is on point.


  1. Claus Kropp writes: "Regarding the project's breeding groups, there are currently two locations that are active in this area: (1) Senne-Teutoburg Forest Nature Conservation Project (North Rhine-Westphalia); (2) Schwarzach Wildlife Park (Baden-Württemberg)."
    Do you know how many breeding groups that is? Schwarzach presumably has only one breeding group, while Senne-Teutoburg probably (hopefully) has more. But overall, it doesn't sound like a lot.
    There is also the Schweickert farm with its Chianina x Sayaguesa crosses, but the article is not clear on whether or how this herd will be part of Auerrind breeding in the future.

    1. I mean, what I'm hoping for is that the Chianina x Sayaguesa crosses will end up as a small-horned but otherwise very auerochslike and very tall "Chiaguesa" breed, which will be used to increase the size of other projects (Auerrind, Heck, Tauros, Taurus, ...), but as the article doesn't expound on that it's only wishfull thinking on my part so far. Which leaves us with only those two aforementioned breeding locations for the auerrind project.

    2. And no information about what has become out of the tauros crosses and the pajunas

  2. Me genera más dudas que certezas la publicación.

  3. Is this blog still active ?

    1. Yes, but I am busy with finishing my book on "breeding-back" at the moment.

    2. Daniel te esperamos. Casi todos los días entro a ver si has publicado algo nuevo. Ojalá tu libro salga también en español.
