Friday, 31 January 2025

Great news: my book is about to be published + aurochs paintings available

I sent my book to the publisher last month. It is expected to be published early this summer.

The book has 161 illustrations and photos, about half of them are life-reconstructions of aurochs and extinct horses, most of which I haven’t published yet. In my book, I reconstruct 22 particular aurochs specimens, here is a list:

 ·      the Sassenberg bull

· tthe fragmentary skeleton at Brussels

·      the Store-damme bull

·      the Vig bull

·      the Sassenberg cow

·      the Arrezo skull

·      the Asti skull fragment

·      the Cambridge skeleton

·      the London skull

·      the mauretanicus skull from the Ouran caves

·      Lydekker’s namadicus skull

·      the Neumark-Nord skeleton in its attacking pose

·      A Natural history museum skull

·      a cow skull from Otterstadt

·      the Baijin bull skeleton

·      one of the Chinese cows

·      the thrinacius type specimen

·      the Torsac-dirac bull

·      the Stuttgart skull

·      the Manchester skull fragment

·      the skull from Faborg

·      the skull fragment from Vienna


I switched from pencil drawings coloured with GIMP to acrylic paintings recently. Here are two of the paintings I did for the book:


If you want the original paintings, they (and a number of others) are for sale here. I made so many paintings that I am almost drowning in canvases and I have many more ideas for new ones.


  1. Where can I buy the book ?

  2. Nothing against your paintings but I think your pencil drawings have a more refined and scientific look to them. I would stick to them regarding the book.
