Monday 20 September 2021

New photos and videos of the Taurus cattle at Hortobagyi

The National park Hortobagyi in Eastern Hungary is the largest Taurus cattle breeding site. They have about 400 individuals. I intended to visit the population and to analyse it as I did with the Lippeaue Taurus cattle, but my contact person doesn't work there anymore unfortunately. 

The Hortobagyi Taurus cattle started with Heck x Hungarian Grey animals, to which Taurus individuals from the Lippeaue, a Holstein x Hungarian Grey, Watussi and later also a breeding bull from the Wörth/Steinberg lineage (named Anno) were added. They have some very interesting animals there. 
Here are some recent photos, published by the Hortobagyi National Park on facebook: 
#1  © Csoban Peter

#2 © Csoban Peter

#3 Csoban Peter

#4 © Csoban Peter

#5 © Csoban Peter
Photo # 1 shows bulls and steers. They definitely have Steinberg/Wörth influence, as well as the cow on #3. The cow on photo #2 could have Watussi and Grey cattle influence. Watussi influence is also very likely for the cows on photo #4. Of all the individuals on the photos, they have the most aurochs-like horn curvature. The cow on #5 also has interesting horns, although perhaps too upright. 

I also found two youtube videos featuring bulls: 
The second video also shows steers among the bull groups. I like the horn curvature of the bull at 3:28 in the second video. 

In general it can be said that the Lippeaue Taurus cattle have the better overall morphology (proportions, body shape etc.), while the Hortobagyi Taurus cattle have more horn volume and also the curvature is not bad in many individuals. 


  1. Would be great they manage the bodyshape the sexual dimorphism a bit better.
