Thursday 27 June 2024

What is your favourite "breeding-back" project/breed/lineage/herd?

I have several posts in preparation at the moment, but for today, I want to ask my readers a question. Which one is your favourite "breeding-back" project, or breed, lineage or herd, and why? 

I personally can't decide because there is so much wonderful potential in all of the herds, each time in a different way. 

Let me know what your favourites are in the comments!


  1. While I think it's undeniable that Taurus has the highest-quality output (imagine what Dominator must look like by now!), my personal favourite project would actually be Auerrind... considering how recent it is, the quality has been pretty astounding, especially Thando's various descendants. Big soft-spot in particular for Alvarez (even if ontogeny did Alvarez dirty), Benito, and the Chianina/Watusi cow... I wish they could work some Maronesa in for colour and horn-curvature, but the size, body, and horn-size could be an issue? Though given how strongly the giant Watusi horns have stuck through the breeding process, perhaps that wouldn't be a problem... fantastic post as always, Daniel; been a big fan since 2018!

    Also, does anyone else ever ponder what breeds would be best to introduce into these herds, or to create new projects from? In terms of horn-shape and body-shape with great colour, I'd love to see a herd of Sayaguesa, Maronesa, Pisano (the bodies and colours of those are amazing!), and Watusi.

  2. My favourite is Taurus, especially bulls like Darth Vader 3. They are not perfect representation of Aurochs but for me it already enough.

  3. Oostvaardersplassen!
    The effect of natural selection in this project is astonishing.
    Compare the herd at the start of the project:

    And results 20 years later:

    And some bulls now:

    I am curios about the next 30 years

    1. well, how much of this was really "natural" selection, and not selection by the park managers? As they regularly cull, they obviously culled for aestethics.

    2. The first video: I'm very surprised, I always thought they have Heck cattle but that is a very diverse mix of different races.
