Sunday 31 March 2024

Awesome photos of awesome Tauros cattle

I am always excited when I see new photos of Tauros cattle, because I have not yet had the opportunity to visit any of the herds of the project. Bert van Beek has lots of great photos of very interesting Tauros cattle on his Instagram page:
Have a look at the photos, I like the cattle very much. One cow seems to be a Maronesa x Maremmana, the cow with the huge lyre-shaped but forwards-facing horns. Another one seems to be Sayaguesa x Maronesa and has a perfect horn curvature. I think an (F2 Maronesa x Sayaguesa) x (F2 Maronesa x Maremmana) would have great potential, especially an F2 from that combination. I think some of the photos show Manolo Uno, the Maremmana x Pajuna bull that was born at the start of the project, but it could also be a bull of the same combination. One bull has a really large hump, a characteristic that quite a few Tauros bulls have. 
It would be extremely awesome if all of the current projects would one day cooperate in some sort by exchanging individuals once all of them have reached a similar level of quality as an aurochs substitute. 


  1. Same content for those of us whithout instagram or facebook account:

    @Daniel: I think the Maremanna x Pajuna bull reminding you of Manolo Uno is 0377, formerly the breeding bull of Herperduin. I think you might know his younger self from the carnivora thread. Bert van Beek calls him Willy in one of his postings, though I don't know if that name is official. I find him to be very charismatic, although there are animals with greater overall Aurochs likeness. I think Bert said somewhere, that Willy is not reproducing anymore, but he has a cute little behavioural shot somewhere, with him guarding a group of calves, which is - as far as I know - a behaviour generally not ascribed to bulls.

    The huge horned cow that piqued your intest might be 0010, Bert calls her Queenie, if I recall correctly. Sadly she is a Freemartin.


    1. Okay, I clearly misremembered the last part. 0010s name is not "Queenie" but "kween" or "kwee" is the dutch word for "Freemartin".

    2. Had to search for a bit but here is Willy baby sitting the calves:

    3. Thank you for the alternate link Yannick.

  2. Hi!
    Here is a video of the release last yerar, of Tauros cattle in the Coa Valley region in Portugal:

    And a recent BBC article (with video) about the Tauros in Coa Valley region:

  3. Could you do a post about the bubal hartebeest or black wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou)?
